Link Log 2022-12-10
How To Develop Good Taste, Pt. 1
Deceased Do Not Contact Registration
Inside the factory that only builds white Toyotas
Cultural observations: The skinfade + northface jacket combo
Stop that! It’s not Tourette’s but a new type of mass sociogenic illness
Thus, this current outbreak of MSMI [Mass Social Media-induced Illness] represents not only the “modern” form of MSI [Mass Sociogenic Illness] motor variant, but can also be viewed as the 21st century expression of a “culture-bound stress reaction” of our post-modern society emphasizing the uniqueness of individuals and valuing their alleged exceptionality, thus promoting attention-seeking behaviours, and aggravating the permanent identity crisis of modern man.
I insulate the handles of my titanium kitchenware with silicon aquarium airline tubing.
I use the tubing recommended in a thread on the Backpacking Light Forum. It isn’t necessary, and adds a couple grams, but it is a nice luxury that allows the mug or pot to be plucked from the stove without additional precaution.
Make sure to use silicon tubing, not vinyl. Application takes some finger strength. Spraying a little soapy water into the tubing first makes it slide a bit easier. The stuff I use has an outer diameter of about 5.8mm and an inner diameter of about 4.2mm. It has been the appropriate size for the handles on mugs from Snow Peak and Boundless Voyage.
I watched a few episodes of Dark Angel for the first time since puberty.
In the pilot episode of the show, the titular hero teams up with a pirate television journalist in the cyberpunk dystopia of Seattle. They broadcast the dirt about a Rich Bad Guy™, and protect a witness from being silenced before she can give her testimony in court. The implication being that facts are meaningful, and that the criminal justice system is functioning.
From the vantage of 2022, the show’s dystopia is looking pretty optimistic.
Link Log 2022-11-23
Special Investigative Report for The Museum of Capitalism: There’s No Such Thing as a Free Watch
If you wish to make a toaster from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
“Just a bunch of idiots having fun” – a photo history of the LAN party
Between Chaos and the Man: How not to become an anarchist
States Mull Limits on Foreign Ownership of Farmland
One of the things that I find refreshing about running an isolated personal blog, as opposed to whatever social hellscape the rest of the online population is participating in today, is not caring about the audience.
Or even knowing if there is one. (I could look at the web server logs, but I don’t.) I post for a hypothetical reader who is me but not me.
When choosing what to write about, I usually think “If I found this post on another site, would I think it was cool?”. And, reader, I do. So fucking cool.