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Vuurwapen Blog is one of the only firearm-centric blogs that I subscribe to.

Andrew’s reviews and analysis are intelligent and refreshingly concise, particularly when some people feel the need to put out 45-minute videos in order to communicate 3 minutes of content. Unfortunately Vuurwapen Blog will no longer concern guns. Fortunately, Andrew will be writing about firearms at LuckyGunner Labs and Vuurwapen will still be around to focus on other topics.

I've had a critical opinion of soft-shells for a number of years.

While I still maintain that their versatility and environmental appropriatedness is limited, I have been coming around to their use a bit more over the past year or so. I have a pair of pants that I am quite smitten with and have been considering giving a jacket another shot. Over at Cold Thistle, Dane Burns recently completed a series comparing different soft-shell jackets and their appropriateness for climbing. Now he has published a selection of reader comments that were elicited by the reviews.

I reviewed the Hill People Gear Kit Bag on ITS Tactical.

Read the review and then go give your money to Hill People Gear.

Kit Bag: Docked

Nicholas has been detailing his bicycle touring gear.

I began to read his blog last summer, when he was riding from Anchorage down along the continental divide. It’s a great blog, and his gear is clearly heavily used and carefully chosen. Recently, he has discussed his cook kit, tools, luggage, clothing, electronics, and his bike and the changes it has gone through.

BFE Labs has posted introductory videos on blow-out kits and hemostatic agents.

Their videos on blow-out kit basics and hemostatics are worth a view. BFE Labs is not updated frequently, but the blog remains one of my favorites for practical skill and tool discussion.

Put a sheep in your first-aid kit.

Anne over at Hunt Gather Study Medicine discusses the problems with pre-packaged first-aid kits and reminds us that knowledge and experience are more important than gear.

That Emily Chappell is cycling around the world.

She quit her job as a London bike messenger and left the UK in September of 2011. Currently she is in Korea, having cycled across Eurasia. I was made aware of her blog a couple months ago and was immediately hooked. I went back to the very beginning and read the blog all the way through. There are not very many blogs out there that I can say that about.