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Currently reading: Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Richard and Nicholas Crane.

If you’re at all interested in bikes, lightweight backpacking, or a combination thereof, you must read this book.

In 1986, Dick and Nick rode lightweight, steel race bikes from the Bay of Bengal across Bangladesh, up and over the Himalaya, across the Tibetan Plateau, and through the Gobi desert to the point of the earth furthest from the sea. They were sawing their toothbrushes in half and cutting extraneous buckles off of their panniers before “bikepacking” (or “ultralight backpacking”) was a thing. The appendix includes a complete gear list and relevant discussion.

A snowy night in Tibet

The book is currently out of print, but used copies can be found. A PDF version is available here.

I've long been an 8-speed man on my bikes.

More gears seem unnecessary, but the market has other ideas. I wanted to upgrade my brifters. There were practically no options, so last week I made the jump to 9-speed. Now I’m running an 11-32 9-speed cassette and a 30/42/52 triple chainring.

9 Speed

It's better when you break things completely.

When things are only partly broken your inbox gets flooded with error messages…