Optimizing Local Munitions

As previously mentioned, I use myrepos to keep local copies of useful code repositories. While working with backups yesterday I noticed that this directory had gotten quite large. I realized that in the 8 years that I’ve been using this system, I’ve never once run git gc in any of the repos.

Fortunately this is the sort of thing that myrepos makes simple – even providing it as an example on its homepage. I added two new lines to the [DEFAULT] section of my ~/library/src/myrepos.conf file: one telling it that it can run 3 parallel jobs, and one teaching it how to run git gc.

skip = [ "$1" = update ] && ! hours_since "$1" 24
jobs = 3
git_gc = git gc "$@"

That allowed me to use my existing lmr alias to clean up all the git repositories. The software knows which repositories are git, and only attempts to run the command in those.

$ lmr gc

After completing this process – which burned through a lot of CPU – my ~/library/src directory dropped from 70 GB to 15 GB.

So that helped.