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Tux Reloaded

It took 4 hours (including last night), but mplayer finally plays quicktime movies with audio. I am now, unlike you, watching the new Matrix Reloaded trailer (uber 1000x540 version, not listed on in Linux. Full screen.


The new Nvidia Linux drivers work great!
Simply run the nifty new installer and change your driver from ‘nv’ to ‘nvidia’ in XF86Config-4


I’m a little late in this post but KDE 3.1 was released on Tuesday. I have yet to install (I think I’ll wait for an rpm) so I can’t vouch for it but I hear it has a whole bag of sexy new features.
Judging from the screenshots, it looks a little ‘cute-ish’ (in a fluffy, XP way). Strange? Yes.
In other desktop news: the latest Gnome 2.2 Release Candidate came out today. I’m not a fan of Gnome, but I’ll be downloading 2.2 to test it out, anyway.

If Linux and Windows mated, this would be their baby. I’m serious. Check out the screenshots.