D is for Death and Domestication

Look at the second hand of a stopwatch, and follow it as it records the passing minutes, counting down the minutes of your life that remain to you as they slip away. Are you living the life that you want to live? Are you living a life that, at any given moment, you could look back upon with satisfaction if you suddenly realized that it was about to end? Are you living the sort of life that you would wish upon a human being, a life that is exciting and full, that is well spent, every minute of it? If the answer is no, what can you do in the time that still remains to you-- however long or short that may be-- to make your life more like the one you would like to live? For we all do have only a limited amount of time granted to us in this world-- we should use it with this in mind. - Crimethinc, Days of War, Nights of Love